Community Habilitation :: Community Habilitation :: Center For Disability Services New York

Community Habilitation

Part of living a full life is being a part of your community. Community habilitation gives people who have disabilities the skills they need to become a more active and engaged part of their community and pursue their goals in the community.


Our person-centered approach to community habilitation helps individuals who have developmental disabilities to improve their independent living skills and participate in social recreation activities. Whether they live with family or independently, every individual gets community habilitation support tailored to meet their unique needs.


A Community Habilitation Coordinator works with the individual and their family to develop an individualized community services plan that that includes goals and milestones meaningful to the individual.  


The Center’s Community Habilitation staff provides one-on-one training and assistance in the home and within the community setting. 

For more information: (518) 384-3081