Testimonials :: Testimonials :: Center For Disability Services New York


Parent/Caregiver Testimonials

  • Camp Spectacular has a supportive atmosphere and an understanding of how to work with kids on the spectrum. - Sandi, Camp Spectacular Mother
  • Thank you for offering this unique camp experience with experienced staff in a beautiful setting. The consecutive sessions allow for developmental growth not possible through regular therapy once a week. - Jennifer, Camp Spectacular Mother
  • At age 38, this was my daughter’s first experience away at camp, on her own, without any of residential staff. When her service coordinator first suggested camp to me, I was cautious. Had they ever served anyone with so many disabilities? I called the camp. Hesitantly, I mentioned each disability, waiting for a response, “we are not equipped to handle that.” Each time I was told, “no problem.” Still, after she was dropped off, I continued to wait for the call saying she would have to be picked up early. The call never came. When her pick up day did arrive, her residential staff said they found her laughing. When they asked if she was ready to go home, she shook her head, “No!” Not only were there no problems, but also we were told she is
  • welcome back next year. I was elated! I look forward to my daughter having many more wonderful summers at Clover Patch Camp. - Pat, Mother
  • Clover Patch Camp is an absolute blessing. My daughter loves going there. It gives us a break and allows her to have fun at camp. - Bobbi, Mother
  • My son was very happy about the camp. He wants to return every year. He really enjoyed it and said his aide was very nice to him. We are both pleased with the program and the staff. - Cleveland, Father
  • The staff were wonderful, helpful and very accommodating. Great experience and a wonderful camp. - Mary, Residential Manager
  • In my mind, I never thought my son could get the same loving care that I give him. I thought I was the only one able to do that and I had a very hard time letting him go anywhere overnight let alone a full week. It was very hard on me to take him to Clover Patch Camp three years ago. He was apprehensive and didn’t want me to leave him and believe me, I cried all that night. I called every day to check on him and had a hard time sleeping at night, worrying about him and wondering if he was crying to come home. Every day I was assured by the staff at Clover Patch that he was doing well, having a good time and not even mentioning his dad or me. The staff was very reassuring and comforting. I picked him up at the end of the week and he was ready to go
  • home but was very excited to know he would return the following year. - Linda, Mother
  • My son has been going to Clover Patch for many years now and it has always been a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, it is one of the only recreational experiences he has throughout the year, other than his day program and activities he does with his mom. - Laurie, Mother
  • From the minute we began the check-in procedure on my son’s first day of camp I felt very secure in leaving him in the hands of the staff I met. It was his first time going away to camp and I’m sure he had a pleasurable experience. - Christine, Mother
  • This was my son’s first camp experience with Clover Patch Camp and being by himself at camp. Thanks to the outstanding staff for their kindness, compassion and overall commitment to the Center’s mission and philosophy this was a very successful camp experience for my son. When I arrived to pick him up the smile on his face spoke reams to how he felt about the week. - Susan, Mother
  • Our son has Autism, ADHD, asthma and Scoliosis. He first attended Clover Patch as a teenager. During middle school all of his friends fell away because he was ‘different’. We tried social skills classes and support groups, to have him turned away over and over. The first time I picked him up from camp I asked, did you make friends? Who was your best friend? He said I made so many friends I can’t tell you all their names, I cried. Thank you for all that you do and know that you are changing lives. - Denelle, Mother
  • The camp is very well run. I feel my daughter is safe and that her needs are being met. She loves Clover Patch. The staff is so caring, friendly and helpful. I cannot imagine a better camp in the state! We are very grateful to have such a place and so close! - Roberta, Mother
  • My daughter loves going to camp. She really enjoys meeting the new counselors as well as seeing the returning campers and staff. - Mary, Mother
  • The management and staff do a great job. I know that my daughter is well cared for and safe. - Patricia, Mother
  • My grandson looks forward to camp each summer. He loves it. - Linda, Grandmother
  • I can’t think of anything to improve on. Everyone made me feel comfortable leaving my son and didn’t mind my calling every day. Everybody was very reassuring and took great care of my son. Thank you all for giving us a much-needed break and making us feel good about attending the camp. - Linda, Mother
  • My daughter is fearful in regard to her medical care and she felt quite comfortable knowing nursing was always available. She wants to add another week next year. Bravo. Good job. You convinced her that new caretakers are not that scary. - Mary, Mother
  • Our son’s first time there and he did very well. We are looking forward to using Camp again next year! We are grateful for the scholarship that paid for his camp experience and gave us such a nice break. Thank you! - Patti, Mother
  • My daughter grows tremendously from her experience at camp! The camp is irreplaceable in our lives. My daughter deserves to enjoy camping experiences in a safe and beautiful environment (without her mom). - Traci, Mother
  • My cousin came home happy, mellow, well rested and content. - Rose, Cousin
  • All of the families I encouraged to go said their children had a great experience. One camper still asks every day when he’s going back. On a visit to see my consumers, they were having a great time. I thought the staff was great!!! Good Job! - Toni, Medicaid Service Coordinator
  • My daughter matures every year at camp. The social skills she gains has shown in many ways. She is more confident due to your camp. - Sharon, Mother
  • There must be magic at Clover Patch Camp because my daughter loves to go! When she sees the application for camp she wants to go get her trunk, sleeping bag, bathing suit and raincoat. The staff you can’t beat. They are so dedicated and caring. The major word is TRUST. - Roberta, Mother
  • Clover Patch Camp has been an integral part of my son’s life since he was 11years old. He looks forward to going to camp from the last day of camp until the first day of camp the following year. Clover Patch allows him to feel independent and he is spending quality, fun time with his peers. He is accepted for who he is and isn’t in the competitive day-to-day rat race. - Diana, Mother
  • Our son has attended camp for years. The first year he attended he was 12 years old. Most parents would not be concerned about sending their son to camp for a week at age 12. However, our son is autistic and has very limited language. Needless to say, we were very anxious about sending him to camp in the woods. We did not need to worry. He had a great time! He really enjoyed his counselor. He swam, played games and did all of the fun things that normal kids do at camp. - Joy, Mother

Staff Testimonials

  • When I applied to camp I was looking for a summer job that would make me step out of my comfort zone and that is exactly what working at camp did. I never saw myself connecting with this population the way I do now and I am really glad that I took the risk to try something new. - Lesley, New York, Senior Counselor
  • Camp was everything I thought it would be and more. It was an all-around amazing experience and I am so grateful I was able to spend my summer at Clover Patch. - Elise, New Jersey, Counselor
  • Camp was definitely the experience I was looking for and more. I learnt so much from the campers and staff and it was unforgettably the best thing I’ve ever done. - Emily, United Kingdom, Counselor
  • Clover Patch Camp will forever be in my heart. I learnt so much from everyone from staff to campers and I could not have asked for a better experience. - Hannah, United Kingdom, Counselor
  • Everyone was busy when we arrived. There were so many activities going on – an egg launch contest, swimming, arts and crafts and music and drama were going on all over camp. - CFDS Quality Review Team
  • What a great program! We all had a blast. - Jackie, Residential Program Administrator
  • Camp was an AMAZING experience I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. - Nana, New Jersey, Counselor
  • I had an awesome summer! I learned so much. It was great. - Ivo, The Netherlands, Counselor
  • I’m fortunate to have been able to do something like this. It opened my eyes to so many different aspects of life. It has given me the ability to appreciate life on a much higher level. It was an incredible experience and I’m just so stoked that I was able to do it. - Elise, Colorado, Counselor
  • Working with the campers was thoroughly rewarding and has inspired me to go into a more hands-on medical route and I made some great friends over the summer. I loved having the opportunity to work at Clover Patch and experience life in America. - Emma, United Kingdom, Counselor
  • The experience I had at Clover Patch was one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had in my life. The feeling you get when you know you are making a difference in someone’s life is something that you cannot put into words! - Kaitlyn, New York, Counselor
  • Another summer full of great memories that I will cherish forever and new friends with whom I intend to travel someday! - Megan, New York, Assistant Director
  • I really enjoyed working at camp this year. The experience I’ve got is very valuable. I’m sure it will help me in my life. The most important thing is I REALLY want to come back. - Anastassiya, Kazakhstan, Counselor
  • Thank you for an amazing summer. I’ve learnt so much and feel that I have grown as a person due to working at Clover Patch Camp. - Charlotte, United Kingdom, Counselor
  • It’s the best experience of my whole life. - Ilya, Russia, Counselor